Monday, October 31, 2005

Friendship Quotes

"I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people."
-- Romans 16:17-18 (NIV)

"The man of many friends will prove himself a bad friend, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
-- Proverbs 18:24 (Amp)

"Friends love through all kinds of weather, and families stick together in all kinds of trouble."
-- Proverbs 17:17 (The Message)

"It is easy enough to be friendly to one's friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

"One of the surest evidences of friendship that one individual can display to another is telling him gently of a fault. If any other can excel it, it is listening to such a disclosure with gratitude, and amending the error."
-- Edward Bulwer-Lytton

"Don't pity the girl with one true friend. Envy her. Pity the girl with just a thousand acquaintances."
--Katie Obenchain

"True friendship is based on trust, honesty and sincere generosity of our hearts."
-- Song Park

"A true friend is someone you can disagree with and still remain friends. For if not, they weren't true friends in the first place."
-- Sandy Ratliff

"A true friend is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your success!"
-- Doug Larson

"Friends show their love in times of trouble..."
-- Euripides (408 B.C.)

"A true friend is someone who is there for you when he'd rather be anywhere else."
-- Len Wein

"Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen."
-- Samuel Paterson

"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
-- Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

"One friend in a lifetime is much, two are many, three are hardly possible. Friendship needs a certain parallelism of life, a community of thought, a rivalry of aim."
-- Henry Brooks Adams

"If you have two friends in your lifetime, you're lucky. If you have one good friend, you're more than lucky."
-- Bryon Douglas, That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton

"It can be hard to break the friendship code of secrecy and make your friend mad at you, but you must do what you feel in your heart is right."
-- Amanda Ford

"The friendship isn't worth the tears unless the friend is."
-- Kellina Filbin


Anonymous said...

Do these relate to that guy who stabbed you in the back?

jaydee said...

No, they have to do with all of society. So many people surround themselves with what they think are friends. But when push comes to shove they realize that they really can't count on them. I always ask myself, if I was stuck on a dangerous corner in a dangerous neighbourhood at 3:00 a.m. who could I depend on for a ride? Or if I was arrested and had one phone call, who would I call to bail me out? Who can I count on in a crisis? Those are real friends. And sadly there's very few of those people in the world today.